Tuesday, March 13, 2012

demonstration reflection

I think that my demonstration had its up's and down's. For some reason I was really nervous to present, which is very unusual for me. This kind of caused me to freeze up a bit and I forgot a lot of what I had practiced, so I felt a little unorganized. I do think I did a good job demonstrating the strategy, but I might have been more specific in my directions. I also think that it was a good idea for me to include pictures while the students continuously wrote. I think this was a good way to get the students' memories going to make writing for 2 minutes a little more manageable. In order to include more scaffolding during strategy, I could have had the class time me for 30 seconds or so so that I could demonstrate how a non-stop write works. Then I could have read it allowed. I still am not sure of the best way to assess a non stop write, but I think grading for relevant topics would be a good idea. Especially if this strategy was used at the end of a reading, movie, or lesson. Otherwise if it was used before a unit to get the memory going, a formative assessment may be reasonable if I was able to use a clicker quiz or something similar to see what the students knew from their non-stop writes.

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